Friday, April 9, 2021


 Entry 63:


Topic: Quote

"You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write"

    I think that this quote provides a rather interesting approach. Makes you question why someone would say that to you. Upon reflective on this though, if you get out of bed, whatever you feel you need to say is obviously important. I know some of my best writing ideas are when I just get into bed, and when I write them down, I have something to work off of and can write forever. When I just go to sleep, I forget the idea and it drifts away from my mind like it never existed. What is there to change, only thing that may need to be done to that work is some slight editing. I think middle of the night writing is some of the best writing that there ever is. Thoughts and emotions are more raw and pure. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Celebration of Student Writing

 Entry 62:


Topic: Celebration of Student Writing

    For the past few days, students all over campus within our schools writing class have been sharing their project that they have been working on all semester. There are several different multimodal designs I have seen from other classes and there is some very beautiful work, discussing very serious and important topics. Some things were topics I had not even heard of nor thought to consider but I felt very informed at the end of it all. This is a very interesting approach and thing to do because it lets students inform one another on topics important to them. This has been my favorite part of the whole semester! 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 Entry 61:


Topic: Quote

"Every writer I know has trouble writing"

    Many writers experience writers block, and the best way to overcome it, is get out of your head or just start writing. I have done a lot of research for my blogs and I found that so many good writers just start writing ideas and brainstorming on paper to get their brain working and words on a page. Sometimes, you just need to throw yourself off and start doing whatever it is you need to do. 
    For a while I struggled to write, I have been using a lot of guided questions from my writing class as prompts or ideas for my blogs until I can use them. With the semester coming to an end, it is hard to find things to write about. I have been very unmotivated this month but I have been looking within the readings and the course for things to discuss for my blog, and I have done it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Final Touches

 Entry 60:


Topic: Final touches

    Our final copy of project 3 is due tomorrow, and I know that when turning in the final copy of anything, you hope this and should pray this is your best copy. If this copy is not good, then there is a serious problem. Final touches on any work is the make or break of your success. Since project three was a rather simple project, it was very easy to create and then add small details. For me, I added a couple images to my work that fit my project, not just some random things, although it was hard for me to find images I loved, I found a couple good ones. I also fixed my wording and spaces. It was really easy to do, and I think these few final touches made my project look a lot better. Final tweaks are amazing when working, especially with writing and designs. 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Research Process

 Entry 59:


Topic: Research Process

    It is nearing the end of the semester, so I would like to reiterate some research processes. Now, everyone has their own method and uses different databases. I choose to research and find articles based on their abstract to make sure they are going to fit my topic before I waste time reading 5+ pages to realize that my topic is barely mentioned in all of the work I plan on reading. I like to make sure that my topic is highly talked about in the abstract and introduction so that I know it is fitting. I also take notes and then read it over again while working so that I can make sure everything sounds like a scholar wrote it, or at least a somewhat decent researcher. This outcome is very important when you are writing, no matter the class or topic. Research is everywhere so knowing how to do it properly is very important.

Finals thoughts

 Entry 67: Topic: Thoughts     I am slowly but surely, running out of things to talk about in my blog. As time has been progressing I keep f...