Friday, March 12, 2021

Types of Writing (Part 2)

 Entry 43:


Topic: Types of Writing

    Persuasive writing is yet another writing type, this form is typically used in nonfiction work, to help develop logical arguments. In this type of writing logic is extremely important. When writing this kind of piece, people should pick a topic that they can provide a lot of details and support to get other to agree with what they are saying. This style of writing should have an opposing stance and should strike peoples emotions- for a better argumentative appeal. Picking a topic that one is passionate about is great for this writing form!
  Persuasive Writing Checklist | Writers Write
    Argumentative writing is similar to persuasive writing, except for the fact that this style requires more data and facts than an emotional standpoint. Argumentative writing needs expert opinions and proof more so than persuasive writing. When writing this people should pick a controversial topic, research, pick their side and then collect sources to draw facts from. This is more formal and is very similar to persuasive writing so it is important to keep in mind their differences when working on papers! 
Argumentative Writing - Lessons - Blendspace

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Types of Writing

 Entry 42


Topic: Types of Writing

    There are several types of writing, the most popular or most taught ones are: narrative, analytical, expository. Each of these types are different in what they do. 
    Narrative writing is typically used when telling a story. Elements that go into good narrative writing include: a theme, main character, side characters, a setting, structure, literary elements and an expansive vocabulary - depending on what kind of story is being told. Narrative writing is definitely more on the creative side of writing. 
What is Narrative Writing?
    Analytical writing is more necessary in college and in careers. This type of writing requires identifying and dissecting a subject, then following that with an argument about the meaning. This type of writing requires students to read, comprehend, explain and analyze what they read. 

Analytical Essay Writing: Structure, Tips, & Topics | by Henry Howkins |  Medium
     Expository writing is resourceful and useful when working for a newspaper or magazine. They can talk about whatever they want, this type of writing is informative and can be used to talk about any topic. However, it should be kept in mind what the main goal is and this type of writing is typically better for news articles. 
Writing Center Posters | Expository writing, Homeschool writing, Writing  instruction

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Writers Block

 Entry 41


Topic: Quote from Once Upon A Time

"When I get struck by a block, I usually re-read what I've done rather than plow ahead blindly. Sometimes I find there'll be a little nugget of inspiration left behind" (Season 1, episode 18. 21:00-21:13)

    In this particular moment, a man was using writing and comparing it to solving a case. I found this fitting because I constantly struggle to finish my writing because I lose inspiration. Personally, when writing, ideas seem to just flow on until I can no longer continue, then another hits and I want to restart. Hearing this I realized just how right that quote is. I have wrote a lot of stories and papers in my lifetime, and I think I struggle to finish my stories because I want perfection and so I rewrite a lot of it, before it is even finished. However, I leave it alone til I remember it again, there is normally a bit of inspiration I find when re-reading what I have and then I can edit and continue on with my editing and writing like there was no break. I really like the wording in this because it sums up writing, sometimes stepping back and looking at what is already there can help us to solve problems and expand our ideas further. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Entry 40


Topic: Revision

"Revising is more than correcting"

There are different steps in revising your work: rewriting, adding, deleting, reevaluating thoughts, revising. 

    What may be helpful when you are rewriting may be to have several friends read your work and critique it. Personally, my friends are very strict, they do not beat around the bush, they all tell it like it is. Also, have a peer or professor read it- they may know a bit more considering they studied or are studying the class with you, they may be a bit better at giving useful feedback because they know exactly what to look for. However, friends provide fresh eyes and can also give their opinions on the argument. Also, reread and edit the work daily. I had a professor say that writing can always be improved, sometimes it takes years to finally finish and be happy with the outcome. Writing is a never ending process, something can always be tweaked to make it better- go back daily or weekly. 

    When I was reading over my work and incorporating my work for project 2, I started on a blank sheet, an empty page- to clear my thoughts, reevaluate. Then I read over my work, copied and pasted and then rewrote and incorporated the feedback to the best of my abilities. I rewrote almost all of my work on the blank page, there was also a lot that I kept and added on or deleted entirely. I realized I did not even know where my train of thoughts were in the rough draft or what I planned on really saying. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Guided Questions, Week 9 (Question 1)

 Entry 39:


Topic: What are the benefits and limitations of the specific methods you selected in order to research your question(s)?

    Personally, problems that I encountered while conducting my primary research was figuring out how to get out my survey to a variety of age groups, I figured social media would be the easiest way to just send it out- it was. Although, I wish I could have gotten a few surveys from people outside of my papers focus group, so that I would have more data. While I think social media helped me to get my survey out quickly, I think that maybe I could have used several of my accounts for the variety I was looking for. So, it created a limitation of having less data and probably created a bit of bias. Limitations from my secondary research would be there are not a lot of articles on my topic and also I had to learn how to use different databases, just more help for future projects in my life though!
    Benefits however included an easier way for my friends to share it with their friends and family. I also got data from my age group of study. The other methods of research was using different databases, there were a lot of benefits from that. I got data from several years ago (within the seven year time frame) and I got to see so many different views on my topic and could take a lot of notes. 

Finals thoughts

 Entry 67: Topic: Thoughts     I am slowly but surely, running out of things to talk about in my blog. As time has been progressing I keep f...