Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Writers Block

 Entry 41


Topic: Quote from Once Upon A Time

"When I get struck by a block, I usually re-read what I've done rather than plow ahead blindly. Sometimes I find there'll be a little nugget of inspiration left behind" (Season 1, episode 18. 21:00-21:13)

    In this particular moment, a man was using writing and comparing it to solving a case. I found this fitting because I constantly struggle to finish my writing because I lose inspiration. Personally, when writing, ideas seem to just flow on until I can no longer continue, then another hits and I want to restart. Hearing this I realized just how right that quote is. I have wrote a lot of stories and papers in my lifetime, and I think I struggle to finish my stories because I want perfection and so I rewrite a lot of it, before it is even finished. However, I leave it alone til I remember it again, there is normally a bit of inspiration I find when re-reading what I have and then I can edit and continue on with my editing and writing like there was no break. I really like the wording in this because it sums up writing, sometimes stepping back and looking at what is already there can help us to solve problems and expand our ideas further. 

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