Entry 58:
Topic: If He Had Been With Me
Like the last blog that I posted, I talked about this book. I have been thinking about things to talk about for this blog and this book has been heavy on my mind. In the beginning of this book, with the title of this book, you know that at the end and throughout the book it is building up to a tragic end. How the author portrays events and tells the story is beautiful all throughout. When I finished this book, while crying, I still for some reason almost decided to go back over it. Read it all over again, but this time take time to reflect and take notes for discussion- I have not read it again but it is that good.
In this book, the story is told in what some may call flashbacks and there are time skips, because she is referring to "Before"- you would not know if you do not pay attention that this book went from current time, then went to memories and is building up to tell you the story. This book is a love story, "if he had been with me" tells us what happened but does not actually provide an alternative story to if he had been with her. It is telling us the past, what actually happened but it does briefly address how everything could be different had he been with her. This is a very deep love story that does not last long but also kind of did. The authors goal was to show that time is not always granted, and to love people while you have them because you never know what the future holds. The book did just that- my heart was hurting over this book at 4 am.