Saturday, February 27, 2021

The Evolution of the Written Word

 Entry 33:


Topic: The Evolution of the Written Word

Chapter 17 – Origins and Evolution of Writing Systems | Language Evolution
Writing is a form of communication and there is a wide range of ways to go about writing, all different than the last and continually advancing throughout time. Writing changes with society and culture change, writing technology has been evolving to be easier, read faster, get information out quicker,  have less errors. From clay writing tablets, hieroglyphics, paper made from trees with the use of ink to write, written words, to writing on typewriters to computers, to writing and using emoticons on phones in texts and more to express words and meanings. 

History of writing - Wikipedia


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Things to consider as writers

 Entry 32:


Topic: Things to consider as writers

    As writers, as people, we all have different perspectives and viewpoints on the world that we live in. Truthfully, we all have different experiences in the world- no fault to anyone in the world necessarily, we just all live different lives and see different things. Our societies influence who we are as people- as writers this is just one thing that we need to consider, especially when looking for an audience/readers. We need to know who would read our work, who could benefit from what we have to say- but this is one thing of many to consider. 
    The list is never ending to be completely honest, I could probably easily have a list and someone else- my peers, professors, parents- could have a different list. As I said before we all have different lives, personalities, perspectives, minds. What I am trying to say is that there is no right or wrong in writing because we all are different and we write to see and help others feel like they can relate. As I mentioned in another blog, we need to connect with our audience to create a common ground. 
    Another thing to consider is your writing style and structure. There are certain things you will want to avoid depending on what you are writing- if it is a text to a friend you can pretty much write and talk however you would like. If you are writing a paper, you have to be formal and need to follow a certain set of rules.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Citing Sources

 Entry 31:

Research and Reflection

Topic: How to Cite Sources

Citing Sources

    There are a variety of ways to cite your sources in papers- it can depend on what you, the writer, feels is best for your sentence/structure and will flow better or on what style you are writing in. Since we are using MLA format, I figured it most appropriate to talk about citing in MLA - which is normally standard for most writers I feel like. 
    MLA citing format typically goes like this: Author's last name, First name. "Title of Source." Title of Container, other contributors, version, numbers, publisher, publication date, location. 
    However, if you are in the middle of writing you are not going to want all of that information in the middle of your sentence (maybe if you are trying to stretch your paper, kidding)- this citing is normally for your works cited page (at the end of your paper)
    When you want to use a direct quote from one of your sources there are a few different methods to choose from like "___" (Last, first). or "according to ___ "___" or paraphrasing and crediting your sources author. There are several ways, each way is correct and you do not need to follow a specific way whichever feels right to you and you feel fits your paper best!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Guided Question Week 7, Question 1 (Part 2)

 Entry 30: 

Research and Reflection

Topic: How can we eliminate assumptions in our writing? 

eliminate removeobliterate assumptions.

    To start my blog, we should identify what an assumption is, an assumption is "a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof" - this means that there is a lack of evidence. 
    If you are writing and reading over your work and feel as if the reader will not understand what you are saying, add more information about it, explain it in more detail so that the reader can understand what you are talking about. If there is doubt in your mind about your work, there will more than likely be doubt in your readers minds as well in your writing and you do not want that. If you, the writer, feel like there should be more add more. More evidence and proof to support what you are saying can never be wrong, it should make your argument stronger- the only way it won't work is if you create fallacies in your arguments. Create an argument so strong, there cannot be any assumptions made when reading your work, explain everything in detail until you feel satisfied that there are no assumptions that can possibly be made. The most important part of writing is having a mutual understanding on your topic between you and your readers.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Guided Question Week 7, Question 1(Part 1)

 Entry 29: 

Research + Reflection

Topic: What are considerations in building common ground through writing?

In order to find common ground in your writing, think about who your audience is. You already know who your target audience is when you start writing- if you do not know you may be in trouble as this is essential to being a good writer. Your audience is any one that you are trying to explain or talk to, for my research paper - my audience is young people and maybe parents who have young children. 

Trying to find any common ground may seem hard, but you can do a variety of things. The link I found and am currently using is less writing and more of an in person visual thing but the concepts still apply to writing. When you start writing, write a list of questions that you think your audience would be able to appeal to, sometimes writers use questions to get people interested in what they are reading- a hook. Finding answers to your questions may be hard to do in writing, but your research should be able to help you establish your points and if you do a survey that could definitely help as well. You can also identify any false assumptions about what you will be talking about. Another thing, is to connect to your audience. Again probably a bit harder to do in your writing- but also people typically don't read past the first paragraph if they aren't truly interested- even if it is only a little bit. Maybe tell a story about your own experience so that people feel like they can connect with you. 

Finals thoughts

 Entry 67: Topic: Thoughts     I am slowly but surely, running out of things to talk about in my blog. As time has been progressing I keep f...