Thursday, February 25, 2021

Things to consider as writers

 Entry 32:


Topic: Things to consider as writers

    As writers, as people, we all have different perspectives and viewpoints on the world that we live in. Truthfully, we all have different experiences in the world- no fault to anyone in the world necessarily, we just all live different lives and see different things. Our societies influence who we are as people- as writers this is just one thing that we need to consider, especially when looking for an audience/readers. We need to know who would read our work, who could benefit from what we have to say- but this is one thing of many to consider. 
    The list is never ending to be completely honest, I could probably easily have a list and someone else- my peers, professors, parents- could have a different list. As I said before we all have different lives, personalities, perspectives, minds. What I am trying to say is that there is no right or wrong in writing because we all are different and we write to see and help others feel like they can relate. As I mentioned in another blog, we need to connect with our audience to create a common ground. 
    Another thing to consider is your writing style and structure. There are certain things you will want to avoid depending on what you are writing- if it is a text to a friend you can pretty much write and talk however you would like. If you are writing a paper, you have to be formal and need to follow a certain set of rules.

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