Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Guided Question Week 7, Question 1 (Part 2)

 Entry 30: 

Research and Reflection

Topic: How can we eliminate assumptions in our writing? 

eliminate removeobliterate assumptions.

    To start my blog, we should identify what an assumption is, an assumption is "a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof" - this means that there is a lack of evidence. 
    If you are writing and reading over your work and feel as if the reader will not understand what you are saying, add more information about it, explain it in more detail so that the reader can understand what you are talking about. If there is doubt in your mind about your work, there will more than likely be doubt in your readers minds as well in your writing and you do not want that. If you, the writer, feel like there should be more add more. More evidence and proof to support what you are saying can never be wrong, it should make your argument stronger- the only way it won't work is if you create fallacies in your arguments. Create an argument so strong, there cannot be any assumptions made when reading your work, explain everything in detail until you feel satisfied that there are no assumptions that can possibly be made. The most important part of writing is having a mutual understanding on your topic between you and your readers.

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