Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Citing Sources

 Entry 31:

Research and Reflection

Topic: How to Cite Sources

Citing Sources

    There are a variety of ways to cite your sources in papers- it can depend on what you, the writer, feels is best for your sentence/structure and will flow better or on what style you are writing in. Since we are using MLA format, I figured it most appropriate to talk about citing in MLA - which is normally standard for most writers I feel like. 
    MLA citing format typically goes like this: Author's last name, First name. "Title of Source." Title of Container, other contributors, version, numbers, publisher, publication date, location. 
    However, if you are in the middle of writing you are not going to want all of that information in the middle of your sentence (maybe if you are trying to stretch your paper, kidding)- this citing is normally for your works cited page (at the end of your paper)
    When you want to use a direct quote from one of your sources there are a few different methods to choose from like "___" (Last, first). or "according to ___ "___" or paraphrasing and crediting your sources author. There are several ways, each way is correct and you do not need to follow a specific way whichever feels right to you and you feel fits your paper best!

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