Thursday, April 1, 2021

If He Had Been With Me

 Entry 57


Topic: Book Review

    Over this week, I found time to sit down and read a book in its entirety. The book is titled "If He Had Been With Me" and was written by Laura Nowlin. I would recommend this book to anyone, it is a pretty realistic book in terms of feelings and emotions. This book made me bawl my eyes out at the ending, and while I do not want to spoil it there are some things that I just need to get off of my chest about this book. 

    Throughout the book, there was a lot of inner battles within the characters. The mother has depression, the father is rarely in her life, she loses friends over the years and gains friends back. There is a lot of realistic problems within the book, but the way it was all put together made a beautiful story. One of the main things that I noticed in the book would be the main character, Autumn, you can see she is a young girl trying to figure herself out and to fit in. She feels like she is an outcast and she tries so hard to fit in with the other "misfits", she dates a guy who makes her happy, but she is not in love with. She tells herself when she loses feelings, to just stay because he makes her happy and she will love him again one day. I think that this is a serious problem that she maybe could have avoided. It bothered me all throughout the book, I have felt like this before. Just staying somewhere that I just feel content, not happy but just okay so I do not hurt anyones feelings. 

    The main goal of the authors was to create a realistic style book, with real problems and a love story embedded in it. They did an amazing job at that and I fully recommend this book. It just made me realize somethings about myself while reading because I felt a lot of similarities with some of these characters. 

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