Sunday, March 7, 2021

Guided Questions, Week 9 (Question 1)

 Entry 39:


Topic: What are the benefits and limitations of the specific methods you selected in order to research your question(s)?

    Personally, problems that I encountered while conducting my primary research was figuring out how to get out my survey to a variety of age groups, I figured social media would be the easiest way to just send it out- it was. Although, I wish I could have gotten a few surveys from people outside of my papers focus group, so that I would have more data. While I think social media helped me to get my survey out quickly, I think that maybe I could have used several of my accounts for the variety I was looking for. So, it created a limitation of having less data and probably created a bit of bias. Limitations from my secondary research would be there are not a lot of articles on my topic and also I had to learn how to use different databases, just more help for future projects in my life though!
    Benefits however included an easier way for my friends to share it with their friends and family. I also got data from my age group of study. The other methods of research was using different databases, there were a lot of benefits from that. I got data from several years ago (within the seven year time frame) and I got to see so many different views on my topic and could take a lot of notes. 

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