Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Final Touches

 Entry 60:


Topic: Final touches

    Our final copy of project 3 is due tomorrow, and I know that when turning in the final copy of anything, you hope this and should pray this is your best copy. If this copy is not good, then there is a serious problem. Final touches on any work is the make or break of your success. Since project three was a rather simple project, it was very easy to create and then add small details. For me, I added a couple images to my work that fit my project, not just some random things, although it was hard for me to find images I loved, I found a couple good ones. I also fixed my wording and spaces. It was really easy to do, and I think these few final touches made my project look a lot better. Final tweaks are amazing when working, especially with writing and designs. 

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