Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 Entry 61:


Topic: Quote

"Every writer I know has trouble writing"

    Many writers experience writers block, and the best way to overcome it, is get out of your head or just start writing. I have done a lot of research for my blogs and I found that so many good writers just start writing ideas and brainstorming on paper to get their brain working and words on a page. Sometimes, you just need to throw yourself off and start doing whatever it is you need to do. 
    For a while I struggled to write, I have been using a lot of guided questions from my writing class as prompts or ideas for my blogs until I can use them. With the semester coming to an end, it is hard to find things to write about. I have been very unmotivated this month but I have been looking within the readings and the course for things to discuss for my blog, and I have done it!

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