Sunday, February 7, 2021

Rising Mental Health Issues (Adolescents,Young Adults)

Entry 17:


Topic: Rising Mental Health Issues

    For my project one proposal, I decided to talk about social media being linked to rising cases in mental health issues. However, I feel it is important to note the relevance and factors going into rising mental health issues within adolescents and young adults. So I found this article: ajmc, which explains the topic; I will summarize it. (I did not use this article in my research, I just typed it into google.)
    In the article, they say that social media may be to blame for the rise in mental health issues when regarding adolescents and young adults. A survey that was conducted and mentioned in this article said that teens in the US are aware of the mental health issues, most reporting anxiety and depression as a major problem- saying it is "more prominent than bullying, drug addiction and poverty." They said that the cause for the rise in mental health issues could be "the concurrent rise in social media" and "being less likely to interact face-to-face" and those who use social media are more likely to "involved with cyber-bullying".
    When I originally started my research I felt that mental health issues had increased, and personally feeling that it is more common because of social media usage and cyber-bullying, I wanted to see if professionals saw a link as well. This article definitely backs up my thoughts and all I looked up was mental health and this was the first article to appear. I wanted to talk about my paper and connect it to this article, I was not expecting the article to almost completely back up everything I talked about in project one.

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