Monday, February 8, 2021

Guided Question (Week 5, Question 1; Part 1)

 Entry 19:

Research + Reflection + Multimodal

Topic: What is secondary research? 

    According to my research and things that we have already discussed in class. Secondary research is: a research method that uses existing data. Documents that contain secondary research can be found in a variety of places like public libraries, websites, or data obtained from filled in surveys and so much more. The article I found talking about secondary research said that secondary research is more cost-effective than primary research. 
    In this picture it explains the difference between primary and secondary research in a chart like format: 
Summary of Primary vs. Secondary Market Research
Ironically, looking at this chart, I think I for a while misunderstood the research methods and flipped them around. 
    In the link that I used it gives more in depth examples if you would like to use it: questionpro 
    Knowing how to find this secondary research may take a while because you need to find exactly what suits your topic, but it will most likely not take as long to find as primary would. However, primary research would help you find exactly what you are looking for. I think that it is beneficial to have both, however you can probably find a survey and all of those things without having to do too much work.

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