Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Guided Question (Week 5, Question 1; Part 2)

 Entry 20:


Topic: Why do we need to know how to access, read, analyze, evaluate, and use secondary resources in our own research writing and everyday lives?

    Knowing how to research anything, especially in society today, is crucial. How often people go to the internet for solutions to any type of problem is almost daily. I know that my search history is long in just dumb questions that I had mid-conversation or for school, or something I needed to figure out for my house. 
    For those who do not know where to go for secondary resources, you can refer to entry 19 or I can tell you here. Secondary resources can be found in books, journals or online. I think in society today, most of us choose the internet- which there is no problem with that at all- because it is always within reach via phone, computer, tablet and so on. 
    So now we know how to access it, reading it should be fairly simple as long as you know exactly what you are looking for. I would say evaluating its usefulness would be easy given that you would know if it helped you or not when you tried to use it, and if it did not help you within your writing or life, it is a lot easier to find than primary research! 

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