Friday, April 16, 2021

Finals thoughts

 Entry 67:

Topic: Thoughts

    I am slowly but surely, running out of things to talk about in my blog. As time has been progressing I keep forgetting to write. I also, do not have much left to read anymore to work my ideas to write for the blog. Next week is our last week of work for this class and many of my other classes so I guess we will see how everything goes, I may just quit using my blog to try and focus my thoughts and energy into my other courses. Who knows though. I guess we will see next week if I can come up with anything else! Oh yes, I should probably check if I turned everything in that was due today (with finals week approaching I feel like everything is due at the same time and I am afraid of missing a deadline as they are more strict right now). 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 Entry 66


Topic: Portfolio checklist/ handout

    So the final portfolio is due in two days time and the handout calls for a letter of introduction, I know that the professor says it is not due just yet in its entirety but I am unsure how I want to introduce and talk about my projects. I still have another week to actually figure it out but I need to think of something, I do not want a boring or basic portfolio. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

 Entry 65:

Topic: Writing Work Due/ Thoughts

    The only work we have due this week is our troubleshoot portfolio, this means that this week we will be gathering all of the work that we have done this semester, editing and creating a pretty presentation of it all. I am putting together a hopefully beautiful collage of projects one, two and three and all of their drafts. I think the hardest part of this may be finding all of my drafts because I used a lot of sources that do not save every version of the projects or I may have forgotten a draft or two, I do not know. I guess we will see how my final result of my portfolio project turns out. 

Monday, April 12, 2021


 Entry 64: 

Just Writing

Topic: Finals Week

    Finals week is approaching and happening next week, and for many this is a time to stress. Everything is due and these grades will make up for your entire semester or this is the time you actually find out your grades. I personally am draining and I feel like I am running out of energy to complete these courses before my summer break. I feel like it would be wrong to just give up though. I only have what two weeks left of work and then I can finally get my break? I can do it. I can hold on just a little while longer. 

Friday, April 9, 2021


 Entry 63:


Topic: Quote

"You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write"

    I think that this quote provides a rather interesting approach. Makes you question why someone would say that to you. Upon reflective on this though, if you get out of bed, whatever you feel you need to say is obviously important. I know some of my best writing ideas are when I just get into bed, and when I write them down, I have something to work off of and can write forever. When I just go to sleep, I forget the idea and it drifts away from my mind like it never existed. What is there to change, only thing that may need to be done to that work is some slight editing. I think middle of the night writing is some of the best writing that there ever is. Thoughts and emotions are more raw and pure. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Celebration of Student Writing

 Entry 62:


Topic: Celebration of Student Writing

    For the past few days, students all over campus within our schools writing class have been sharing their project that they have been working on all semester. There are several different multimodal designs I have seen from other classes and there is some very beautiful work, discussing very serious and important topics. Some things were topics I had not even heard of nor thought to consider but I felt very informed at the end of it all. This is a very interesting approach and thing to do because it lets students inform one another on topics important to them. This has been my favorite part of the whole semester! 

Finals thoughts

 Entry 67: Topic: Thoughts     I am slowly but surely, running out of things to talk about in my blog. As time has been progressing I keep f...