Thursday, March 4, 2021

Guided Question Week 8, (Question Part 3)

 Entry 36:


Topic: In what ways has working from proposal 1 to the start of project 2 been useful?

From writing the proposal to writing half of a draft for project 2 made it easier to write. The proposal gave me time to gather research and we already started building and practicing ideas and writing for project 2. I think I could have written all 10 pages easily because of the set up the proposal helped me with. I have collected so much research and I could easily interview friends and maybe a professor, or send out a survey to people within the age group I have made my focus group. Proposal 1 was basically collecting research and project 2 is the writing of the research collected- our class is all connected and it makes it easy to do the work. I could write my paper in a day, if I wanted, because the set up and ideas have been developed in other assignments and research has already been done and I just need to form it all into words now. Working from that to starting project 2 has been insanely easy and I appreciate the set up of the class to help me with my research paper, I have never felt so confident in my writing!

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