Thursday, February 4, 2021

How to become good at academic research writing?

 Entry 14: 

Research, Multimodal Design:

Topic: How to become good at academic research writing? 

Image result for How to become good at academic research writing?
    In this article, it tells us how we can become good at academic research writing. Listing 5 things to do to achieve excellence in this. 
1. Collect as many references as possible- read them through thoroughly. Understanding and having multiple academic resources helps to write good papers as you will understand your topic more in depth. 
2. Use your research writing process as a way of thinking. Find alternative methods to explaining your concept more. 
3. Give a review of the best papers in your domain. Write a one page summary and be able to answer questions about them in the summary. Be able to publish what you write about. 
4. Share your paper with friends and peers. Ask them questions: "what did you understand?" this should show if you gave a clear, concise explanation of your topic.
5. Write the way you talk. Record yourself explaining your research, see what people understand and write about it. 
6. Weed out unnecessary parts from your research. 

    As we work on academic research writing, I thought it was important to note what is good and what isn't. Tips on how to do better. Gathering research on what others find useful for them when writing and then practicing different methods. I often ask friends who have no idea what I am talking about to read over my work because if they can guess the main points of my argument or explanations then I did a good job explaining what I needed to. I have never tried summarizing what I read in a review format, I guess I should try that. 

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