Friday, February 5, 2021

Breaking Barriers

Entry 15:

Research, Reflection

Topic: Breaking mental barriers
Image result for breaking mental barriers in writing

I     have used this article before but it talks about several different things, each are important in writing. According the article that I am using for this blog, it says that we need to break mental barriers to writing. 

Most important tips from article- blog.typeset
In order to break mental barriers: 
1. Practice every day, write 1,000 words a day about your topic. Each day you will find new and better ways to talk about your topic. 
2. Being resistant at first with your writing. 
3. Your writing should reflect your struggles 
4. Good writers are also typically good readers, just do not copy their writing style- make sure to keep your own voice. 
5. Let writing assist your thought process, the more you write the better quality you will produce. 

    I think it is important to note all of the ways to use our thoughts and writing into more effective and efficient work. We write and read every day in texts, emails, or schoolwork. So we should know how to get out of our heads to get writing done. These tips can be used for other classes or any type of writing. If you are unsure what to say, just start saying it and edit later. According to the article, in order to get out of your head and write good, you should struggle and be resistant. It is important to keep your mind active by writing every day about a specific topic or anything. 

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