Friday, January 22, 2021

Guided Questions Answered (Week One)

 Entry 3:


Topic: Brainstorming strategies 

Types of Brainstorming - Brainstorming- instructional strategy

 1. Freewriting:

  • Let your thoughts flow out on a piece of paper or on your computer screen and just write. Set a limit for however long you feel is good (10-20 minutes or until you reach a certain page amount) and just go for it. When the time is up, read over it. Pick things that you like and then go with that and start your research.  

2. Looping:
  • Similar to the freewrite method but going a little bit farther. Move in groups and write for 5-10 minutes. Move onto another piece and do the same things a couple more times. Analyze what you have done and then develop what you found using this method. 
3. Listing:
  • Start jotting down ideas, write a sentence for each and then group together similar ideas and/or pick your favorite idea from the list. 
4. Idea mapping:
  • Write the subject in the center of a page and then work out the details around the idea.
5. Researching:
  • Just start browsing ideas until one really sticks out and then continue exploring the idea. 
6. Ask questions:
  • "What if”, “pros and cons”, so on. 

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