Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Critical Thinking

 Entry 10:


Topic: Critical Thinking

Quote: “You came into this world without opinions or judgements or values or viewpoints —and now your head is brimming with them.” 

    Reading this in my philosophy class it made me think. My thoughts? As we grow older we are impacted by our society, by the people in our lives and the place where we grew up. We are not born with prejudices or beliefs. How we are raised, who influenced our minds as we were in our most influential stages. The reason for mentioning this is that our way of thinking, how we think, is no more right or wrong than the way others think. If we can back up our beliefs and truly believe them, present them with good arguments- then it is worth believing. 

    So while we research and go through our classes and assignments- we need to remember that there is no “right” or “wrong” if we truly believe in what we are saying and can provide good evidence and reason for our beliefs. I think that it is important to note because so many people can argue their beliefs with good reason, and others can grow angry in their differences. We have to take into account that not everyone needs to agree with you because how they were raised is different, their right can be wrong to you and vice versa.  

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