Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Genres and Audiences

 Entry 46:


Topic: Quote from Understanding Rhetoric, Issue 8, "Going Public"

"Audiences expect different things from different genres."

    When writing, it is important to know which genre you are writing about and what is required of that genre (in previous blogs I have talked about genre conventions and types of genres). Also, what is the purpose of what you are writing? Are you writing for fun or to inform? Once a topic and genre has been picked then the writer can create a checklist of things that they need to do. 

    If I were to go to a bookstore and buy a book in the nonfiction section, I am expecting informational texts and facts. If I buy a crime and mystery book, I do not expect it to have poetry in it. That is what I take this quote as, getting exactly what is expected. Audiences know what to expect by genres when they go into it. 

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