Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Logical Fallacies (Project 2-Things to Avoid)

 Entry 25:

Writing Help/Research

Topic: Logical fallacies 

    A logical fallacy is when there is an error in the reasoning that then renders the argument invalid. As we are working on project 2, I was reading over the handout and it said to avoid logical fallacies. 
I am taking critical thinking and in our textbook it talks a lot about logical fallacies. 
    The reason we do not want these in a paper that we are trying to create a debate/argument over is because it would take strength away from the argument and any points you are trying to make. Other reasons you don't want to use a logical fallacy is simply because they are wrong and dishonest. 
Image result for logical fallacy
There are 5 common types of logical fallacies (the article that I used had 15 if you would like to check it out-link is at the bottom):
A summary of each from the link-
1. Ad Hominem , ad hominem replaces logical arguments with "attack-language" that does not relate to the truth on the issue. 
2. Straw Man, strawman argument just takes your opponents "weak" argument and uses it against them. By default theirs will sound a lot better. 
3. Appeal to Ignorance, whenever someone says something they know nothing about in support of their argument. 
4. Circular Argument, an argument that just continually repeats itself/basic assumption with no further reasoning-does not go anywhere. 
5. Casual Fallacy, any logical breakdown when identifying a cause.
Illustration of three common logical fallacies and their definitions
These are examples of logical fallacies. 

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